For the world is hollow
and I have touched the sky.

© Tropic
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Take every stone 拾起世间的盲信者

The bigots of this world 向你投掷的

Cast against you, 每一块石头

And use them 并用它们

To build my church 在这世间

In this world. 垒砌我的圣堂

And when they seek 当他们设法

To oppress you, 压迫你

And when they try 当他们企图

To destroy you, 毁灭你

Rise and rise again 崛起,崛起

And again, 再一次崛起

Like the Phoenix 如凤凰般

From the ashes. 浴火重生

Until the lambs 直到羔羊

Have become lions, 成为雄狮

And the rule of darkness 黑暗的统治

Is no more. 终结至此

热度 ( 51 )